Результаты антардаш в махадаше Сурйи — подпериодов планет в основном периоде Солнца
- Составные отношения планеты (‘Панчадха-Маитри-Чакра’) играют большую роль в установлении результатов антардаш. Предположим, что идёт антардаша Шани в махадаше Сурйи, и согласно суммарным отношениям в данной карте рождения Сатурн — это большой враг Солнца, тогда Шани, несмотря на то, что он — граха Йога-Караки, не даст много хороших результатов в своей антардаше (т.е. подпериоде). Далее, враждебный правитель антардаши уменьшает результаты махадаши в своей антардаше. Например, антардаша Раху в махадаше Луны приносит напряжение ума, развивает раздражительное поведение, уменьшает жизненную энергию и так далее, независимо от того, хорошо или плохо влияет Раху на Чандру в данной карте.
- Какие бы две планеты ни были правителем махадаши и правителем антардаши, если они враждебны к правителю конкретного дома, то данная бхава несомненно получит неблагоприятное воздействие, затрагивающее её значения. С другой стороны, благоприятные расположения правителей махадаши и антардаши усилят хорошие результаты.
- Правитель антардаши влияет на правителя махадаши даже при том, что у них может не быть никакой связи. Однако если они связаны, то действие будет более выраженным.
- В случае антардаши и махадаши одной планеты эта граха будет обладать прерогативой формирования событий в своей антардаше. Если такая граха сильная и принадлежит благоприятной бхаве, то хорошие результаты усиливаются, а в противоположной ситуации она даст ослабляющий эффект.
- Антардаши ретроградной планеты — как благотворной, так и пагубной, вызывает задержки, неуверенность, изменения и так далее.
- Если планета экзальтирована, находится в Мулатриконе или в собственном знаке, обладает высокой Шада-Балой, большим числом благотворных пунктов в Аштака-варге, и если она не сожжена и не находится в авастхе «ребёнок» или «старая», но расположена в среднем «острие» (куспиде дома) и обладает благотворными авастхами, то она даст превосходные результаты.
- При анализе результатов антардаши транзитные положения планет должны быть тщательно изучены, прежде чем делать любые заключения.

Sub Periods in Main Period of Sun (w.r.t. House Positions)
During the main ruling period of the Sun located in the Ascendant and the sub periods of Mars. Saturn. Ketu and Rahu the native gets sorrow & loss of ruling powers, wealth and property.
(This would be the result when the planets Mars etc., are in «Agochar’ position i.e. are ill placed from the Sun & weak. If however they are in «Gochar» they give good results.
A planet in its own sign, in its sign of exaltation, in its friends sign, not eclipsed by the Sun, not situated in the 6th, 8th or 12th house is technically called in Gochar.
If it is eclipsed in debilitation sign, and in sign other than its Mooltrikona sign or other than a friends sign and when located in 6th, 8th, or 12th house is bad and is technically called «Yam Gochar».)
During the main ruling period of the Sun located in the Ascendant and in the sub periods of Jupiter, Venus, Moon or Mercury. The native gets benefited from agriculture, cows, sons, wife and lands.
During the ruling period of the Sun located in the 2nd house and in the sub period of malefic there will be loss of wealth use of curt speech, mental sorrow, eye disease, & great trouble.
During the main ruling period of the Sun located in the 2nd house and in the sub period of benefic planets there will be much comfort, acquisition of education, favour from government and gain of clothes, conveyance.
During the main ruling period of the Sun heated in the 3rd house and in the sub period of malefic who are «Gochar place» i.e. well placed and
strong the native gets much comfort; If the planets having sub period are not «Gochar place» the results are bad i.e. sorrow etc.
(The academic education & its extent and quality have to be determined from the 2nd house of the horoscope i.e. through the nature of influence falling on the second house & its lord and its significator -Mercury).
In that event, the sub period of Mars located any where will harm the right eye, if sun in the 2nd house is having its main ruling period. In case, where Mars is strong and aspecting also the Sun in the 2nd house, injury to the right eye is a certainty. The reason is that Mars in such a case will have double malefic influence on the factors representing the right eye viz the 2nd house and the planet Sun.
As regards the «Gochar place» position of the planets having their sub period, we are of the opinion that the benefit or harm to the house occupied by the main Period lord would be much when the planets having their sub periods are strong, for then their influence, good or bad, will be more effective.)
During the main Period of Sun in the 3rd house and in the sub period of benefic, there is much comfort, Patience, wealth, victory in battle and the acquisition of a son.
During the main Period of Sun in the 4th house and in the sub period of malefic planets there is loss of mother, mental sorrow and trouble from thieves, fire and the government.
During the main period of the Sun located in the 4th house, and in the sub period of benefic planets the native gets much comforts, ruling powers, wealth, sons, wife, clothes, scented flowers etc.
During the main ruling period of the Sun located in the 5th house and in the sub period of Saturn. Mars, Rahu and Ketu there is trouble to the son of the native, and trouble through thieves, fire and government.
During the main ruling period of Sun located in the 5th house and in the sub period of benefic planets the native gets sons, ruling powers, conveyances & ornaments.
During the sub period of malefic in the Period of Sun placed in the 6th house, the native certainly suffers from debts, Theft, Fire, & government. Sun a main Period lord in the 6th house having sub periods of benefic planets, gives comforts first and then physical trouble.
During the main Period of Sun in the 7th house and in the sub periods of Venus, Jupiter, Moon & Mercury the native gains wife, enthusiasm of mind, conveyance, clothes, & ornaments.
With Sun as before and with the sub periods of malefic the native suffers from fever, loose motions, bile, diabetics, & urinal troubles.
During the main ruling period of Sun located in the 8th house and the sub-periods of benefic planets, the results are mostly good with slight trouble, one gets in this period comforts of sleep (beds etc) clothes and ornaments.
During the same period of Sun and the sub periods of malefic planets, there is much trouble, disease, pains, mean service of others and even death.
If the Sun having its main Period is located in the 9th house and the sub period is of benefic planets one engages himself in good moral deeds, charity, religious sacrifices, & great enjoyments.
During the main ruling period of Sun located in the 9th house and in the sub periods of malefic planets, the native gets much sorrow and trouble from elders and friends.
During the main Period of Sun located in the 10th house, and the sub period of malefic planets, the native gets frustration in his actions and suffers at the hands of thieves, fire and government.
With Sun as before and the sub periods of benefic planets, one gets much ruling powers, and everlasting fame.
During the main Period of Sun in the 11th house, and the sub periods of malefic planets there is first trouble & then comforts.
With Sun located as above and with sub periods of benefic in it. The native gets wealth, honour from government and comforts from wife, sons, and the government.
During the main ruling period of the Sun located in the 12th house and in the sub ruling period of malefic planets, there is much trouble to the native. He falls from his position in life, has to live away from his home, and gets dishonour at the hands of the govt.
(The 12th house being the 3rd house, from that of the government (10th) stands for the arms of the govt i.e. its deliberate self through which it functions. Where the 12th house and the significator of government i.e. the Sun suffer, trouble comes through the adverse orders of the government.)
During the main ruling period of the Sun located in the 12th house and in the sub periods of benefic planets, there is much comfort. One gets cows, lands, clothes, grains, jewels, corals and ornaments.
Dr. Shanker Adawal — Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Dasa Systems