Правила трактовки подпериодов планет — в рамках основных периодов в системе Вимшоттари Даша

Результаты антардаш в махадаше Сурйи — подпериодов планет в основном периоде Солнца (глава 54 БПХШ)
Результаты антардаш в махадаше Чандры — подпериодов планет в основном периоде Луны (глава 55 БПХШ)
Результаты антардаш в махадаше Мангалы — подпериодов планет в основном периоде Марса (глава 56 БПХШ)
Результаты антардаш в махадаше Раху — подпериодов планет в основном периоде Раху (глава 57 БПХШ)
Результаты антардаш в махадаше Гуру — подпериодов планет в основном периоде Юпитера (глава 58 БПХШ)
Результаты антардаш в махадаше Шани — подпериодов планет в основном периоде Сатурна (глава 59 БПХШ)
Результаты антардаш в махадаше Буддхи — подпериодов планет в основном периоде Меркурия (глава 60 БПХШ)
Результаты антардаш в махадаше Кету — подпериодов планет в основном периоде Кету (глава 61 БПХШ)
Результаты антардаш в махадаше Шукры — подпериодов планет в основном периоде Венеры (глава 62 БПХШ)
- При оценке подпериодов важно учитывать соотношения хозяина периода и подпериода по положению относительно друг друга (6/8, 2/12 – плохо, 5/9 – идеально, 3/11 — хорошо, 4/10 – напряженно, но терпимо). То есть, при смене периодов меняется точка отсчета в карте и хозяин периода временно становится точкой отсчета, а остальные планеты начинают работать на него.
- Если хозяева периода и подпериода являются вредителями (естественными или функциональными) это наполняет жизнь негативной энергией и повышается вероятность негативных событий.

Даши хозяев Кендр и Трикон
- В Махадашу хозяина кендры и антардашу хозяина триконы будут великолепные результаты. Также в Махадаше хозяина Трикона, антардаше хозяина кендры будут превосходные результаты. Пример: При лагне Близнецы Сатурн становится хозяином трикона (9-й дом), а Юпитер – хозяином кендр (7-й и 10-й). Значит, в период Юпитер-Сатурн, или Сатурн-Юпитер будут хорошие результаты.
Однако в следующих случая результаты будут изменяться:
- Если хозяева Кендры и Триконы имеют связь (через соединение, аспект, обмен, Д-9, аргалу), то в Дашу хозяина Кендры, и антардашу хозяина Трикона (или наоборот) будет хороший результат.
- Если хозяева Кендры и Триконы не имеют связи, то в период вредоносного хозяина Кендры, и подпериод благотворного хозяина Триконы будут небольшие позитивные плоды, но в подпериод вредоносного хозяина Триконы результаты будут плохими.
- В течение периода благотворного хозяина Кендры , подпериода вредного хозяина Триконы будет немного хороших плодов, но в подпериод благотворного хозяина Триконы, результаты будут преобладающе благоприятны.
- Период вредного хозяина Триконы, подпериод благотворного хозяина кендры будет благоприятен, а подпериод вредного хозяина Кендры будет немного благоприятен (если хозяин Трикона не хозяин восьмого дома одновременно).
- Период благотворного хозяина Триконы, и подпериод благотворного хозяина Кендры будет благоприятен, а подпериод вредного хозяина Кендры может быть немного благоприятен, если он связан с хозяином Триконы. Если между ними связи нет, то подпериод будет преобладающе зловещим.

(по материалам 22-го и 23-го уроков Базового Курса в школе Василия Тушкина «Сурья-Сиддханта»)

Из комментариев в 54-й главе «Брихат-Парашара-Хора-Шастры»: при анализе периодов/подпериодов следующие факторы должны быть рассмотрены:
1) Важность правления домом обусловлена тем, что все особенности упомянутого дома имеют значение.
2) Природа управителя дома оказывает влияние.
3) Факторы, влияющие на изменение природы планеты, имеют большое значение, такие как соединения и аспекты с другими грахами, а так же её положение в конкретной накшатре. Например: Солнце, будучи правителем 9-го дома, будет влиять на разум и мудрость, а если Сурйа расположен в накшатре Юпитера, то духовные убеждения рожденного активизируются. Наоборот, если Сурйа оказывается в накшатре Раху, то такое качество Сурйи, как ‘Атма-Карака’, будет разрушено дьявольским характером Раху.
4) Древние учёные астрологи установили продолжительности натуральных планетных Даш. Шлока об этом звучит так: «Начиная со времени рождения, один год принадлежит Чандре, затем следуют 2 года Шукры, 18
лет Гуру, 20 лет Сурйи и после этого 50 лет — это натуральный период Шани». Натуральные годы Даш имеют значение в системе Вимшоттари-Даша. Во время действия конкретной даши в течение жизни, если правитель натуральной Даши становится правителем Махадаши, то события упомянутой Даши непременно совершаться.
5) Если управитель Кендры или Трикона оказывается Йога-Каракой, то это даст хорошие результаты. Однако перед рассмотрением Йога-Караки нужно рассмотреть Чандра-Лагну и Сурйа-Лагну. Если планета Йога-Караки является Йога-Каракой не только для Лагны рождения, но и для ещё двух Лагн (Чандра-Лагны и Сурйа-Лагны), то граха даст чрезвычайно благоприятные результаты (по сравнению с грахой Йога-Караки относительно Джанма-Лагны). По сути, сочетание этих свойств у грахи Йога-Караки непременно принесёт богатство, положение в обществе, успех и так далее.
6) Составные отношения планеты (‘Панчадха-Маитри-Чакра’) играют большую роль в установлении результатов антардаш. Предположим, что идёт антардаша Шани в махадаше Сурйи, и согласно суммарным отношениям в данной карте рождения Сатурн — это большой враг Солнца, тогда Шани, несмотря на то, что он — граха Йога-Караки, не даст много хороших результатов в своей антардаше (т.е. подпериоде). Далее, враждебный правитель антардаши уменьшает результаты махадаши в своей антардаше. Например, антардаша Раху в махадаше Луны приносит напряжение ума, развивает раздражительное поведение, уменьшает жизненную энергию и так далее, независимо от того, хорошо или плохо влияет Раху на Чандру в данной карте.
7) Какие бы две планеты ни были правителем махадаши и правителем антардаши, если они враждебны к правителю конкретного дома, то данная бхава несомненно получит неблагоприятное воздействие, затрагивающее её значения. С другой стороны, благоприятные расположения правителей махадаши и антардаши усилят хорошие результаты.
8) Правитель антардаши влияет на правителя махадаши даже при том, что у них может не быть никакой связи. Однако если они связаны, то действие будет более выраженным.
9) В случае антардаши и махадаши одной планеты эта граха будет обладать прерогативой формирования событий в своей антардаше. Если такая граха сильная и принадлежит благоприятной бхаве, то хорошие результаты усиливаются, а в противоположной ситуации она даст ослабляющий эффект.
10) Антардаши ретроградной планеты — как благотворной, так и пагубной, вызывает задержки, неуверенность, изменения и так далее.
11) Если планета экзальтирована, находится в Мулатриконе или в собственном знаке, обладает высокой Шада-Балой, большим числом благотворных пунктов в Аштака-варге, и если она не сожжена и не находится
в авастхе «ребёнок» или «старая», но расположена в среднем «острие» (куспиде дома) и обладает благотворными авастхами, то она даст превосходные результаты.
12) Ишта-Бала и Кашта-Бала планеты должны обязательно быть определены, потому что Махарши Парашара ясно сказал: благоприятные и неблагоприятные результаты махадаши должны быть установлены только на основании этого принципа.
13) Чем большее число благотворных связей существует между управителями домов в карте рождения, тем большая степень благоприятных результатов будет предсказана.
14) Если естественно благотворная планета расположена в пагубных Варгах [разделах], то она теряет благотворность. Наоборот, если пагубная граха занимает большое число благотворных Варг [дробных карт],
то она получает благотворный потенциал, Варги собственного знака, раши экзальтации, раши благотворных грах считаются хорошими положениями в дробных картах. В то время как положение в дебилитированном раши,
раши врага, раши пагубных грах и так далее — это плохие местоположения в карте, и они испортят хорошие результаты.
15) При анализе результатов антардаши транзитные положения планет должны быть тщательно изучены, прежде чем делать любые заключения.
Rules for Assessing the Effects of Sub-Periods of a Planet
Dr. Shanker Adawal — Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Dasa Systems
To Judge the affects of the sub-period of Planets in t:ne maJor period of a planet the following rules will be helpful.
1.The Dasa of a planet that has achieved the Vargottama amsa wil1 give favourable results. If the said planet is set or is in its fall, the effect will be mixed.
- When the Period and sub-period belonging to two planets both of which occupy or own the 8th, the 12th or the 6th house are in progress, the effect will be inauspicious.
- During the Dasa period of an inimical planet and the sub-period of a planet ruling the 3rd, the 5th or the 7th asterism courted from the natal Nakshatra is in progress or the sub-period of the lofd owning the Sign occupied by the Moon or the 8th house there frc)m is Posing, the native will be troubled by thieves and enemies and pass through much distress.
- When in the order of main Dasas is:-
- the 4th Dasa belonging to Saturn, for person born in Mars Dasa
- the 6th Dasa belonging to Jupiter, for person born in Venus Dasa the 5th Dasa belonging to Mars, for person born in Ketu Dasa
- the 5th Dasa belonging to Rahu, for person born in Venus Dasa
- the Dasa period of a planet situated in the end of a sign, or — owning the Dusthana like the 6th, 8th or the 12th every one of these is going to bring misery and prove dangerous.
- When Mars occupies an Gemini or Pisces sign or his exaltation sign identical with the 10th or the 11th house, his Dasa Period will bestow upon the native a kingdom. After defeating his enemies he is sure to become a famous king possessing a large number of vehicles and a large army; and feeding many people.
- When Venus, neither set nor conjunct with a malefic, is in his own or exaltation sign identical with the 12th, 10th or the 11th house, the native during its Dasa period will acquire many gems and precious stones, gain intellectual insight, become greatly effluent and be praised by many people.
- When the benefic are placed in their depression, inimical, the 6th or the 12th houses, they produce untoward results, whereas malefic placed in similar situation give in their Dasa period incalculable miseries.
- During the Dasa period of a planet, if the sub-period belongs to an unfriendly planet to the Dasa Lord (main ruling planet) or to a planet occupying the 6th or the Dusthana or to a planet unfriendly to the lord of the Ascendant the native should expect danger from his enemies and loss or change of position; even the friends should be expected to become hostile to him.
- Whichever House reckoned from the lord of Major Period is occupied by the lord of the sub-period, it is only the result arising from that House that will come to pass in that sub-period, and if the lord of the sub-period happens to be the 6th, 8th or the 12th from the Main period Lord, the result will be most unpleasant, where as the remaining House Lords will give favourable effects.
- If a planet is exalted then it shows full benefic result. If a planet is in its ‘Moolatrikona’, then it shows three fourth good effects.
If a planet is in own sign then it shows half benefic results.
If a planet is in the sign of a friend then its effects is one fourth.
If a benefic planet is in the sign of an enemy then it will show very scanty good effect and
If a benefic planet is posited in its sign of debilitation then the good results will be almost nil.
If a malefic is debilitated then it will show 100% negative effects.
If a malefic is in the sign of an enemy then it will show 75% malefic effect.
If a malefic is placed in a friendly house, then gives only half of the bad results. If a malefic is in own sign then gives only 25% bad effects.
If a malefic is in the «Moolatrikona» sign then it will show only one eighth negative results and
If a malefic is exalted then the bad effect will be nil.
If a planet is combust then it shows the effect as if it is posited in its sign of debilitation.
These proportions are related to benefic or lords of the benefic Houses.
So far as the malefic planets or lords of malefic houses are concerned, the result will be just the opposite. When a planet is in combustion or within proximity of the Sun, its result will be identical with the one in its depression.
- When (a) Jupiter, (b) the lord of the house where the Moon is posited in and (c) the lord of the Ascendant occupy the 4th house from the Ascendant, the middle portion of the life of the native will be good.
Those planets which occupy the Prishtodaya Signs give good results in the end of life; those in Ubhayodaya signs give good results in the middle of life; and those in the Srishodaya Signs, give in the beginning of life.
- Find out the weakest amongst the planets: 1. Saturn, 2. Mandi, 3. Rahu, 4. The lord of the 22nd Drekkana, 5. The lord of the 8th house, and 6th house. The lords of the Navamsa signs, occupied by these planets. It is only the Dasa of that weakest planet, which is going to prove fatal and the native will die when Saturn during his transit passes through a Dusthana i.e. the 6th, 8th or the 12th house with respect to it.
- Out of the two sets of planets, viz.:
1) The lord of the house where in the lord of the 8th is posited, and
2) The lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house and
3) The lords of the 22nd Drekkana and the Lord of the rising Drekkana,
Ascertain which planet in each pair is stronger. When the Dasa period of this stronger planet is ripening, and when Jupiter is traversing through the sign and Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house or its trine position, the death of the native may take place.
- When a planet, whose Major period is running, that planet at the same time, transits over his Own-house, exaltation or a friendly house, he promotes the prosperity of the house, it represents when reckoned from the Ascendant provided the said planet possesses full strength at the birth time as well.
- If a planet, whose Major period is running, happens to be weak, eclipsed by the Sun, in its depression or inimical house in a nativity, that planet during his transit over any house, causes total destruction of that House.
- When the Moon transits over a sign which happens to be the exaltation sign of the lord of the Dasa, or a friendly house, the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th, the 11th, a Trine or the 7th house with respect to the lord of the Major period, the result will be happy. Should the position of the Moon during her transit is different from what has been stated above the result is most unpleasant.
- Should a planet, whose sub-period is running, during the course of his transit at the time pass over his depression or inimical house or become eclipsed, the native will suffer greatly. Should this planet pass through his own house, exaltation house or be retrograde, the result will be good.
- The good effects of a planet, whose sub-period is auspicious, will be manifested when the Sun in his transit traverses over the exaltation sign of the said planet. Similar result will be experienced by the native if Jupiter transits the place. Further, the planet whose sub-period is inauspicious causing bad or evil effects the result will be felt when the Sun transits over the depression or inimical sign of the sub-period lord.
- Rahu gives good or bad effects depending upon the nature of the planet he associates with. That planet, though good and benefic by himself, will, due to his association with Rahu, especially cause evil effects during the concluding period of his Dasa.
- The 2nd and the 7th houses are said to be two Maraka Houses i.e. death inflicting places in any birth chart. When the lord of these or the planets occupying them are powerful they inflict death during their Dasas. If the lord of the 8th or that of the 12th house is weak death of the native may be expected during the sub-period of either of them.
- The Dasa of the planet owning an Angle will be unfavourable if he is auspicious and it will be favourable if he happens to be inauspicious. The Dasa of all the planets who own the Trines (1,5,9) is auspicious. The lord of the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th houses even if they are auspicious will cause evil only. The lord of the 8th house, should he also own the Ascendant will prove auspicious. The Sun or the Moon, even when they own the 8th house, gives only good effects.
- When the lord of the Trine occupies an Angle and that of the Angle, a Trine House it will be very auspicious for the native. These two planets during their sub-period in each other’s Dasas will enrich the effects of each other and so co-operate to make the period auspicious.
- All the planets do not give good or bad effects to the native, according to the Houses they own, during the progress of their own sub-periods in their respective Major Period. Find out all those planets, which are related to the particular planet, whose Dasa is under examination. Also note the planets, if any, who are similarly situated (whether for good or bad) i.e. holding a position co-ordinate to the one under consideration. It is only in the Sub-period Dasas or sub-periods of these planets that this original planet is related will show his effect in his main Dasa.
- The lords of an Angular house and a Trine house should they be by themselves capable of causing evil, by being owners of other bad house, become powerful by their mere relationship in the Chart, to produce Yoga and they make the person concerned prosperous.
- When out of the lords of the 5th and 9th, one of them is related to a powerful planet owning an Angle, he becomes a Yogkaraka and powerful enough to promote the prosperity and well-being of the native.
- When the lord of an Angle is in conjunction with the lord of the Trine both of them become powerful enough to promote the prosperity of the man concerned. Should the lord of another Trine House also be related, the native’s prosperity shall be never-ending.
- When planets, even if by themselves they are malefic, if related to a Yoga karaka planet capable of producing prosperity, they produce good effects promoting affluence and happiness during their sub-period.
- The lord of a Trine house gives, during his Major period and the sub-period of the lord of an Angular house, good effects. Even if these two planets are not in any way related, they will not cause any harm.
- Should Jupiter and Venus happen to own Angular Houses, they become powerful to cause harm. Should they also occupy the Maraka places (2nd & 7th houses) they become powerful and cause death of the native during their Dasa & Sub-period.
- Should Mercury own an Angular house, he becomes less powerful than Jupiter or Venus in doing harm. The Moon, in such a condition, comes next to Mercury. Evil planets when owning Angles become more and more auspicious in their effects.
- Should Rahu or Ketu occupy an Angular or Trine House, they become Yoga karakas and instrumental to cause good to the man concerned provided they are related to the lord of either the Angular or Trine house.
- Should Rahu or Ketu occupy a house belonging to benefic and is not connected with any planet, he becomes good and produces auspicious results in his sub-period in the Major period of the said planet. It may also be said that when Rahu or Ketu has no connection but occupy an auspicious house (Angle-Trine), he gives good effects when the sub-period of the Yogkaraka planet is ripening in his Major period.
- During the Major period of a Yoga karaka planet, the Rajyoga operates when the sub-period of the Maraka planet is progressing. The sub-period of inauspicious planets which succeeds those in their turn add to the same.
- The following planetary positions in a birth chart cause greatest misery to the person concern ed:
a) The planet posited in the 8th house;
b) The planet aspecting it;
c) The lord of the 8th house;
d) The lord of the 22nd Drekkana from the Ascendant and
e) The planet owning the sign occupied by Mandi.
But the weakest of these is responsible for causing the demise of the native and this may happen in his Dasa or Sub-period.
- The Dasa of a planet is said to be Avarohini (descending) when the said planet begins to descend from his exaltation sign; while that of a planet in friend or exaltation house is called Madhya or middling. The Dasa of a planet proceeding from his debilitation is termed Arohini or ascending. The Dasa of a planet that is actually in his depression or when he is moving from this point of full inimical sign or in his depression or inimical Amsa proves to be worst.
- Even when a planet is eclipsed or is placed in its depression or inimical house but occupies a benefic sign or Amsa, its Dasa can safely be said to give mixed effects and is certainly capable of giving good results in the last half of the Dasa period.
- Demise of the relative indicated by the House under reference may be said to take place in the Major period of the planet in the 12th house counted from that house or of the planet owning it, which ever is weaker. For instance, a weak lord of the 2nd house is posited in the 9th. The 2nd house is the 12th (Vyayesh) to the 3rd. This 3rd house stands for the younger brother or the sister. Again the 9th is the 12th (Vyayesh) to the 10th house representing the father of the native. This weak lord of the 2nd may cause the demise of the brother or that of the father in his main ruling or sub-period. Thus a weak planet in his Dasa or Sub-period causes destruction of both the houses which happen to be the 12th by ownership or by placement.
- Should the lord of the Dasa in his transit pass through the Ascendant, the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th or the 11th house from it (Ascendant) or if the lord of the Dasa comes in the 7th place of the Ascendant i.e., the 7th house, or when a friendly or an auspicious planet comes to the Ascendant the Dasa proves beneficial at that time.
- During the several periods over which a Dasa may continue, the good or bad effect is to be ascertained after referring to the particular house reckoned from the Moon, which the lord of the Dasa may occupy during the course of its progress through its orbit.
The Moon gives auspicious results when in transit:-
Moon is in the house of a friend of the lord of the Dasa; or
In the exaltation house of the latter or in the 7th houses, Trine or
In any one of the Upachaya (3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11) houses with reference to the lord of the Dasa.
The favourable positions of Moon are referred above, in other houses Moon shows evil results.
The positive sign occupied by the Moon also represent Ascendant, 2nd, 11th house etc., in the nativity. Then Moon in anyone of these auspicious positions should promote prosperity with reference to the House indicated by the sign occupied. So far as the inauspicious positions (6, 8, 12) are concerned, the House represented by the negative sign occupied by the Moon suffers loss.
Some more rules given by another authority
If a planet is strong by virtue of being in its own Navamsa sign, it makes the native influential, very rich, possessor of lasting wealth, gainer of wealth from the government and famous.
If a planet is aspected by benefic planets, it makes the native famous, Wealthy, exerting to earn good wealth, or pure mind, of good complexion, and gentle. When the main Period lord and the sub Period lord are located in the 6th, 8th position mutually, the native gets trouble from the government, opposition from subordinates and wife, loss of son or wife, trouble from thieves, Fire, Relatives, affliction of mind.
When there is the sub period of a planet located in the 12th house from the planet having its main period, the native loses his position in life, gets opposition from his relatives, has to go abroad, gets opposition from friends and gets trouble in the feet, eyes or heart.
During the sub period of a planet located with the planet having its main period there is the destruction of wife, son, servant, wealth & agriculture, frustration in efforts, opposition from dear ones, and unexpected blame.
During the sub period of a planet located in the 2nd house from the planet having its main ruling period, the native gets gentleness, good food, drinks, and clothes as also scents and flowers. The native does acts of helping others, gets friendship of his own people, and gets wife, Son, relatives and a happy mind.
During the sub ruling period of a planet located in the 3rd house from the planet having its main ruling period the native gets wealth from the government and gets friendship from others. He also gets good scents, flowers, good clothes and ornaments. He gets good food & happiness from friends.
During the sub period of the planet located in the 4th house from the planet having its main ruling period, the native gets wife, son, wealth, house, morality, conveyance, sweets, good food and drinks, good clothes & ornaments.
If the planet having its sub period is a malefic the results are in the opposite direction. Even a malefic planet situated 4th from the planet having its main ruling period will give good results, if it occupies a position of strength such as being in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation.
On the other hand even a benefic planet located in 4th from the planet having its main ruling period, will give bad results, if it is not located in a position of strength, such as its own sign or its sign of exaltation.
During the sub period of a planet located in the 5th house, from that of the planet having its main period the native acquires son etc. if the planet in the sub period is natural benefic. If otherwise in the sub period of a natural malefic there is loss of son.
During the sub period of a malefic planet located in 6th house to that occupied by the main Period lord, the native suffers through thieves, debts, & bodily troubles, and gets shaky in the position he holds.
In case the planet located in the 6th from the planet having its main ruling period is a benefic in his exaltation sign or positive sign (Mooltrikona sign) etc the native gets increase in his comforts, acquires son & friend.
During the sub period of a malefic located 7th from the planet having its main ruling period, the native has loss of wife, wealth, son, & relative & gets trouble from the govt
During the sub period of a benefic placed 7th from the main Period lord and occupying a sign other than an inimical sign or the sign of its debilitation, the native gets comforts, good jewels, clothes, & ornaments.
During the sub period of a benefic located 8th from the main Period lord, the native enjoys comforts. In the first half portion of the sub period the native gets good results but in the second half he gets trouble.
During the sub period of a malefic located in 8th from the main Period lord, the native gets into trouble, has to eat unbecoming food & has to suffer at the hands of thieves, fire or the government.
During the sub period of a malefic planet located 9th from the planet having its main ruling period the native gets bad luck and set backing his profession and gets mental trouble.
During the sub period of a benefic located by the main Period lord, a man generally gets marriage, initiation into some religious order, celebrating of some Yagna, and performs acts of charity.
During the sub period of a malefic located 10th from the main Period lord, the native does unholy deeds, & gets defame and misfortune.
In the sub period of a benefic located 10th from the main period lord, the native gets comforts, and earns merit through such good karmas as the building of the public tanks, temples, etc.
During the sub period of a malefic planet located in 11th from the main Period lord, the native gets comforts, better prospects in life, favour from the government & increase of sons, wife etc and good residence.
During the sub period of a malefic planet located in the 12th from the main Period lord, the native meets with sorrow, loss of wealth, punishment from government loss of position and loss of memory.
During the sub period of a benefic located in the 12th from the main Period lord, the native gets conveyance, enjoyments, luck, clothes, and ornaments.
Thus evil results should be declared for the sub period lord particularly when it is not located in its exaltation sign, own sign, friendly sign or in good Vargas.
During the sub period of a malefic planet located with the sub-period lord or 2nd or 3rd to it one gets sorrow but if the sub-period lord is a benefic the results are good for the native.
There is much sorrow, and loss of position, eyes, relatives, sons, wealth, & trouble from government during the sub period of a malefic planet in the main period also of a malefic.
During the sub and main periods of benefic planets the native gets position, fine clothes, conveyance, and ornaments.
During the main ruling period of a malefic and the sub ruling period of a benefic the native first gets good results and then bad results.
During the main ruling period of a benefic and the sub ruling period of a malefic the native gets trouble first and then comforts.
In cases where there are many contradictory factors the results for the majority should be declared. Where factors are equal the results earlier & later should be predicted as detailed.
Sub-Divisions of Dasas and Their Effects
Now let us know how to reduce a Dasa period into its sub-periods (Sub-periods) and their further sub-sub-divisions (Sub-periods) along with their respective effects. All that has been stated as effects, with respect to any planet, should be expected to occur in the Planet’s Dasa, in his sub-period and in his sub-sub-period (Sub-period).
Multiply the years of a planet’s Mahadasa by the years of the planet that’s Sub-period is sought. Divide this product by 120. The quotient will denote the years of the Sub-period. Multiply the remainder by 12 and divide the result by 120. The quotient obtained now will stand for months, further multiply the remainder by 30 and divide it by 120. This quotient will give the days, and so on.
This very procedure has to be adopted for calculating the sub-periods in an Sub-period, or their further sub-divisions. In any Dasa, the order or the sub-periods (Sub-periods) is similar to that in the Dasa and the first sub-period (Sub-period) will commence with that of its lord.
Note: Bhukti or Sub-period is the sub-period of a Mahadasa or Main or Major period and sub-Sub-period is the sub-period of a Sub-period. A Major period consists of 9 (nine) sub-periods ruled by the nine planets and each sub-period is similarly covered by nine Sub-sub-periods and each sub-Sub-period by nine Sukshma-Dasa and each Sukshma by nine Prana-Dasa. Each Major period begins with the sub-period ruled by the same planet ruling the Dasa. This rule also applies to Sub-period, Sukshma and Prana. The sequence of Sub-period and up to Prana, etc., is the same order as that of the Mahadasa.
The method of finding out the sub-period in any Major period is very simple. Multiply the figures of the Mahadasa with that of the planet whose sub-period is to be found out. The last figure in the product always stands for the decimal of the month and the rest represents the total number of the months. Suppose we want to know the Sun Bhukti in Jupiter Mahadasa. The year for the Sun is 6 and for that of Jupiter is 16. The product is 96. Hence the Sun sub-period in Jupiter Mahadasa is 9.6 months, which is equivalent to 9 months and 18 days.
Dr. Shanker Adawal — Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Dasa Systems