Даша (период) Луны: результаты
«Брихат-Парашара-Хора-Шастра» — Глава 49. Результаты Даш
Результаты в течение махадаши Чандры (Луны)
49:16-22. О, брамин! После краткого описания результатов даши Сурйи, теперь я объясняю результаты даши Чандры в системе Вимшоттари-Даша. Если Чандра находится в раши экзальтации, собственном раши, в Кендре или Триконе и в соединении с благотворными грахами, является полной (Пурнима), сильной и находится вместе с управителем 10-го, 9-го или 4-го дома, то в течение даши Чандры с начала до конца будут преобладать счастье, удовольствия, благоприятность. Будут достигнуты увеличение богатства и прибыль в земледелии (сельскохозяйственной продукции), много благоприятных церемоний дома, транспортное средство, встреча с царем, успех в работе, благословение богини Лакшми, рост благосостояния благодаря властям и друзьям, чрезвычайные удовольствия. Другие хорошие результаты, которые получит рождённый в течение этого периода, — это приобретение транспортного средства и белых одеяний, счастье рождения сына, прибавление числа коров и тому подобное. Если Чандра расположен в 11-й бхаве в своём собственном реши или в раши экзальтации, то увеличение богатства в его различных формах, рост благосостояния, счастья, образования и также царское одобрение, вероятно, будут дарованы в течение этого периода.
Комментарии: Чандра (Луна) — это Карака счастья. Поэтому Махарши говорит о состоянии чрезвычайного счастья при благоприятной и хорошо расположенной Чандре. В естественном гороскопе (с восходящим Овном) Чандра — это также Карака транспортного средства (любого вида средства передвижения) и Карака животных. Следовательно, комфорт транспортных средств и количество коров увеличиваются в течение этого периода. Луна — это также Карака кобылицы (лошади), также Риши указывает на такое понятие, как Ратха [колесница], хотя колесницы больше не существуют в современную эпоху. Запряженное лошадью транспортное средство — это пассажирский транспорт, и поэтому колесница может быть сравнена с подобным типом современного транспортного средства.
Бомбейское издание трактата говорит, что в главном периоде Чандры [Луны], как правило, будут результаты, такие как тёплые отношения с матерью, получение дома, сада, водоёма (резервуара), статус в обществе, первоклассное транспортное средство, брак в доме и другие подобные благоприятные результаты, успех в бизнесе, завершение начинаний (проектов), рост благосостояния с благословения наставника и друзей.
Результаты Даши Чандры [Луны], изложенные в публикации издательства Тхакур Прашад и сыновья (M/S Thakur Prashad Sons), почти идентичны. Рост благосостояния (статуса) — это дополнительный результат, описанный одной добавленной шлокой, которая утверждает: «Чандра, находящаяся под влиянием правителей 10-й и 9-й бхав, соединённая с правителем 4-й бхавы, даёт рост благосостояния, увеличение богатства и улучшение здоровья».
В вышеупомянутой шлоке эти специфические результаты будут получены только при соединении Луны с планетой Йога-Карака.

49:23-26. Если Чандра находится в раши дебилитации и слабая вследствие Кришна-Пакши (фаза убывающей Луны), то в Даше такой Чандры будет увеличение богатства. В случае, если сильная Чандра находится в 3-й бхаве, время от времени будут ощущаться переменные результаты, комфорт и рост богатства. При соединении с пагубными грахами слабая Чандра даёт вялость (медлительность), умственное расстройство, беспокойства на службе, потерю богатства и значительные неприятности (такие как, например, смерть) из-за материнских отношений (из-за родственников). Если также слабая Чандра расположена в 6-й, 8-й или 12-й бхаве (Трик-Бхаве), то в течение Даши будут осуждение властей (царя), умственное напряжение, потеря богатства и здоровья, конфликт с матерью, инертность, умственная депрессия и тому подобное. Если Чандра расположена в Трик-Бхаве (6-й, 8-й или 12-й), но сильна, то периодически будут ощущаться смешанные результаты увеличения богатства, счастья или боли в теле и так далее.
Комментарии: Чандра [Луна] имеет глубокую связь с умом. Чандра регулирует эффективность ума. По этой причине Махарши Парашара связывает результаты слабой Чандры с различными состояниями ума, которые ощущаются в течение главного периода Чандры. Основные признаки повреждения Луны — это вялость, инертность, беспокойство, умственные отклонения и тому подобное. Бомбейское издание «Брихат-Парашара-Хора-Шастры» утверждает пагубные результаты повреждённой Чандры в течение её Даши, такие как потеря богатства, бедность, недостаток счастья, бедствия, болезни Капхи, лихорадка с дрожанием и так далее.

Если Луна растущая, ее период даст успех во всех начинаниях. Если Луна убывающая, это дает задержки в делах и склонность к депрессиям.
Если Луна сильна, ее период даст рост популярности, карьерный рост, финансовый рост, эмоциональная удовлетворенность. Возможно рождение дочери, будут возможности путешествовать, улучшатся внутренне качества. Успех в бизнесе, связанном с жидкостями и с/х. При слабой Луне все эти показатели будут обратными и станут источниками проблем.
Луна в Овне: семейное счастье, интерес к связям с заграницей, большие затраты, ужесточение характера, головные боли, проблемы от братьев-сестер и врагов.
Луна в Тельце: расширение владений, семейное счастье, финансовый рост, победы. Получение наследства от матери, рост популярности. Поездки заграницу, выгоды от с/х, болезни капхи.
Луна в Близнецах: возрастание духовности, коммерческий успех, счастье от своего богатства, возможен переезд, возрастание праведности, рост воображения, творческого потенциала и разума.
Луна в Раке: успех в с/х, мореплавании и рыболовстве, прибыли от домашнего оборудования, финансовый рост, развитие навыков в искусствах, интерес к путешествиям, болезни моче-половой системы. Деятельность на благо других. Рост интуиции и восприимчивости, эмоциональности.
Луна во Льве: финансовый рост, повышение в должности, ослабление здоровья. Снижение жизненных сил. Успешное завершение важных дел.
Луна в Деве: поездка заграницу, семейное счастье, прояснение многих вопросов, успех в искусствах или ремеслах, средний фин.достаток.
Луна в Весах: если луна слаба — нестабильность ума, семейные проблемы, много бесполезных споров, финансовые потери и снижение энтузиазма, может попасть в дурную компанию. Если сильна — рост артистических способностей, успех в торговле и других делах.
Луна в Скорпионе: ослабление здоровья, потеря популярности, много забот и неприятностей. Снижение духовности, ухудшение отношений с друзьями.
Луна в Стрельце: приобретение транспорта, потери сбережений, удача вследствие поездки или переезда на другое место.
Луна в Козероге: счастье от детей, финансовый рост, ослабление здоровья, много путешествий.
Луна в Водолее: рост дурных привычек, расстройства желудочно-кишечного тракта, много поездок. Если Луна также находится в Водолее в Д-9 то ее период принесет столкновение с сильным врагом, расстанется с семьей, другом, переживет фин.потери, будет страдать от зубной боли или других болезней рта.
Луна в Рыбах: прибыли в связи с жидкостями, семейное счастье, победа над врагами, рост образования. Если Луна также в Рыбах в Д-9 – рост популярности, победы над врагами, семейное счастье, приобретение транспорта или с/х животных.
Подпериоды планет будут давать сходные плоды, но нужно учитывать положение хозяина подпериода относительно хозяина периода в натальной карте и их природную дружбу-вражду.
Даша (период) Солнца | Даша (период) Меркурия | Даша (период) Сатурна |
Даша (период) Луны | Даша (период) Юпитера | Даша (период) Раху |
Даша (период) Марса | Даша (период) Венеры | Даша (период) Ке |
Effects during the Major period of the Moon
Dr. Shanker Adawal — Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Dasa Systems
Let us now explain the Effects of the Moon’s Period in accordance to Vimsottari Period system.
During the Dasa of the Moon, the native may get fame and wealth through Vedic hymns, Deities, Brahmins and state favour. He may also secure wealth and lands through women. He may get in plenty flowers, clothes, ornaments, perfumes and other objects of enjoyment of varied taste. He may be opposed by the wicked, suffer loss of fortune and suffer from rheumatism or gout.
Moon’s period- with reference to their natural governance over certain affairs-
1.If the Moon be strong, benefic and well placed in the horoscope, during her periods of operation, there will be tranquillity of mind, success in business, enjoyment of good food and comforts, birth of children, marriage, gains from lands and houses, etc.
- If the Moon is weak, malefic and badly placed, she will cause diseases like sleeping disease, drowsiness, diseases of the lungs, diarrhoea, carbuncle, malaria, jaundice, anorexia, anaemia, worms, and impurity of blood, etc. There will be ill health or danger to mother, wife and children, trouble from female servants, mental worries, loss of ancestral property and loss through female agency.
- When the Moon is in the sign of exaltation, own sign, in Kendra’s (Angles) or Trikona (Trines) and conjoined with the benefic planets, full Moon, powerful and accompanied by the lord of the 10th, the 9th or the 4th house:-
In the Period of the Moon, from beginning till the end, happiness, enjoyment, auspiciousness would prevail. Gain in wealth and agriculture produce, many auspicious ceremonies at home, comforts of conveyance, meeting with the king, success at works, blessing of goddess Laxmi enhancement of fortune through Royalty and friends and state of extreme enjoyment are achieved. Acquisition of conveyance and white apparels, happiness of having a son, addition of cows in the house etc., are the other benefits native would reap during this period.
- If the Moon is posited in the 11th house and is also in her own sign or in the sign of exaltation-
Gain of wealth in its assorted forms, accretion in fortune, happiness and education and also Royal commendation are likely to be bestowed during this period. - If the Moon is in the sign of debilitation and powerless being in Krishna Paksha, in the Period of such weak Moon, there will be gain in wealth.
- In case, the powerless Moon is in the 3rd house, fluctuating effects, at times, comforts and at time, gain in wealth are felt.
- Having conjunct with the malefic planets-
a) The weak Moon sets-in a sluggish feeling, mental derangement, trouble in service, loss of wealth and intense trouble (death like) from the maternal relations.
b) If the same weak Moon is posited in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house, (Trika Houses), blame from the authorities (King), mental tension, loss of wealth and health, conflict with mother, inertness, mental depression etc., will also cause during the Period.
- If the Moon is posited in Trika houses (6th, 8th or 12th) but powerful, Mixed Effects of gain in wealth, happiness or bodily pains etc., will be felt from time to time.
The under mentioned are the effects of major periods of Moon with reference to the various combinations or occupation of signs by Moon:-
Moon Major Period in Highest exaltation deg.: Paramucha — flowers, clothes, respect, pleasure from wife, issues, wealth, and their associations and agreeable company.
Moon in exaltation — enjoyment from wife and children, milk, food, clothes, Jewels, travels in foreign countries and quarrels among his own relations.
Moon in Aroha (ascent)- attraction, comeliness, wife, money, children, clothes, worship of God, Kingdom, good food, charitable feeding of holy Brahmins.
Moon in Avaroha (descent) — losses and troubles to wife, children, clothes, happiness, mental worry and derangement, displeasure of his own kinsmen, fear from fire, rulers and thieves, and falls in wells and tanks.
Moon in Debilitation Navamsa — Losses and troubles from various articles and sources, service under a mean ruler, unhappy meals, and mental worry.
Moon in with trine lordship i.e. over 5th or 9th house — great respect among sovereigns, money gains, acquisition of lands, children, wife, clothes, and Jewels happiness through mother, happiness and great sexual enjoyments.
Moon his own house — large gains from cultivations, happiness, happiness from connection with beautiful and good dancing women, respect, among official circles, female children and agreeableness among relations.
Moon in a bitter enemy’s house — heavy losses from quarrels and litigation, dirty clothing and unwholesome food, and no gains rather suffers due to lands, money, wife, children, water, and conveyances.
Moon in an unfriendly Rasi — destitution in clothing and ornaments, travels in foreign lands, mean degrading service or engagements as menial servants, wandering in different countries neglected by friends and relations misery and unhappiness.
Moon in a friendly house — The native develops friendship with rulers, gain of wealth, and employment, and watery substances or products, clothing of various colon; and descriptions, excellent and praise-worthy conversations and speeches.
Moon in a very intimate friend’s house — gives great reputation from authorship and scholarship, and attraction through such a reputation to the rulers, and happiness, success and pleasure, through wife, children, lands, relations and friends.
Moon in a neutral’s house — provides gains in gold and lands, small happiness, sickness among relations and travelling in foreign regions.
Moon in debilitation — accidents, danger, great sorrow, residence in forests and unhealthy places, pining and sorrow through imprisonment and confinement and chains in jails, want of food, displeasure of Kings, troubles from fires and thieves and danger to wife and children.
Moon when weak — Indicates losses among children, wife, friends, Kingdom, money, power, lands, hatred of relations, mental trouble and derangement, mean profession, and heavy debts.
Moon when full — success in all attempts and from all Sources, getting fame by publishing books and then attracting public attention and commanding respect from rulers, enjoyment and mental pleasure, from wife, children, money power, and doing good and charitable work.
Moon in conjunction with an exalted planet — Gives mental elation, pleasure from sexual correspondence, wife, friends, and children.
Moon with an evil planets — Indicates unhappiness from fire thieves, and rulers, loss of wife, children and relations, foreign travels, and doing sinful deeds.
Moon with a benefic — good deeds, gains in cows, lands, clothes, Jewels, gold, baths in holy rivers and ponds, and happiness from sexual enjoyment with other women.
Moon aspected by a malefic — Suffers due to doing unprofitable work, great anger, dirty meals, death of mother, or maternal relations.
Moon aspected by a benefic — Indicates extending help to others, great reputation, gaining desired objects, respect of rulers, and pleasure from getting watery products.
Moon in Moolatrikona- great wealth, many children, renunciation of worldly pleasures, after quarrels with relations he will become their leader.
Moon in debilitated Navamsa — Gives great sorrow, disease in feet and eyes, quarrels, and defeats, and mental pleasure.
Moon in exalted Navamsa — Provides great happiness, many sources of gain, respect of kings, good bodily development.
Note: In the beginning of his Major Period Moon will give respect reputation and happiness, in the middle loss of female children, and in the end gain of wealth, clothes and pleasures.
Moon in combustion — sorrow, hatred of relations, loss of wealth, fears from fires and rulers, death of mother, and losses in cultivations and grains.
Moon in Sthanabala — riches, reputation, education, feeding of Brahmins and worship of Gods, Pertaining to royal family, acquisition of kingdom, or lands, females, cloths ornaments, money from cultivation, earning profits by selling cows, good milk, and food, of a luxurious nature, ghee, curds, garlands and other enjoyment.
Moon without Sthanabala — Suffers due to loss of house, and residence elsewhere, destruction of relations, and losses in cultivation of land.
Moon with Digbala — getting various useful articles from many places, progress in education, friendship with rulers, and respect among his own community, horses and elephants.
Moon with Kalabala — Lordship over men and horses, cow’s, lands and cultivation, surrounded by educated men, and he will have conveyances, ornamented by nails, hairs, tusks, skins and clothes.
Moon with Nisargikabala — gain of money without effort, lands and conveyances, respect of kings and many conveyances.
Moon in Drigbala — favours and wealth from mighty monarchs, helping poor, and gaining his desires.
Moon in cruel Sastiamsa — great misery, danger to wife and children, displeasure of kings, haughty discussion, quarrels.
Moon in beneficial Sastiamsa — many children, servants and wealth, success, happiness and reputation, high education.
Moon in Paravat amsa — great renowned, educational progress and pleasure, worship and happiness, baths in sacred waters.
Moon in cruel Drekkana — disease, sinful deeds, causing troubles to cows and Brahmins.
Note: In the Moon Major Period the first results will be due to his positions in the Rasi, second the results will be due to Amsa he occupies and third the results will flow from conjunction and aspects.
The Moon in Various Houses — Effects
Planets in addition to their ownership Effects, produce certain Effects pertaining to the houses they occupy at the time of birth
1st house- (If Moon be waxing) Gain of wealth, domestic happiness, pleasant functions at home, etc. (if Moon be waning) loss of wealth, eye disease, urinary troubles, mental worries, etc.
2nd house- Increased earnings, gain of money, sexual bliss, gain of new knowledge, friendship with good people, etc.
Moon in the 2nd- gives pleasure of wife, sons, lands, cows, money, happiness, good milk and rich food, sexual happiness and baths in sacred waters.
3rd house — Birth of sisters or their well being, good health, increased popularity, and happiness.
Moon in the 3rd — great happiness, many kinds of profits, determination, happiness to brothers, successful cultivation, good food, ornaments, milk and its products.
4th house- Overindulgence in sexual pleasures, good friends, gains from land, good house and conveyance, virtuous and benevolent acts, increased fame and popularity. Moon in 4 — death of mother, happiness, carriages, lands, success from cultivation, new houses, reputation, and publishing works of various descriptions under his name.
5th house- Birth of daughters, virtuous acts, increased happiness, position as adviser, wise decisions, compassionate nature.
6th house- Dysentery, dyspepsia, colic pains, loss of wealth, pressure from creditors and enemies, general debility, fear and anxiety, Bad health of mother, etc. Moon in the 6th- sorrow, quarrels, hatred, fear from fires, thieves and rulers, danger from water, misery from diabetes and acquisition of riches.
7th home- Happy marriage or other functions at home, general prosperity, pleasure trips and short journeys. Moon in 7- getting married, female children, good beds, clothes, mental worry and emaciation from excessive venereal complaints.
8th house- Bad health, loss of comforts, mental torture, agony, grief, easy going nature, Bad health of mother, loss through females, venereal diseases, etc. Moon in the 8th- leanness of body, danger from water, misery, travels to foreign places, hatred of all classes, bad food, danger and death to mother and motherly relations.
9th home- Increased popularity, birth of good children, virtuous acts, success in undertakings, gains and happiness.
10th house- Gains, increased wealth, good food and jewels, promotion in profession or gains in business, increased popularity, fame and respect. Moon in 10th- reputation, good education, performing religious sacrifices, great happiness, lands, children, vehicles, clothes and enjoyment.
11th house- Gain in business, increased wealth, and birth of lucky children, popularity, general prosperity and happiness. Moon in the 11th- acquisition of various kinds of articles, gets rich food, milk, fine clothes, sexual enjoyment, enjoys recreation and playfulness, female, children, mental happiness.
12th house- Gives journey to distant places, Bad health, misery, laziness, disgrace and defeat, loss of wealth and happiness, Bad health of mother and wife, etc. Moon in the 12th- suffers from loss of lands, confiscation of grains and money, ejection from native place, and incalculable sorrow, implicated in false case or gives false witness in a case.
According to the Moon sign occupied at birth, the following conditions and problems will confront the individual at that time of his life, which corresponds with the Main Period of the Moon.
A period of journeys and travels, long and short, Visits to foreign countries or many trips within the confines of own country. Also a period of thought along religious paths, with contacts with people connected with some religious movement or activity.
A fortunate period all around, one in which the individual should be active and push forward, since enterprises started or completed during this period will be generally successful. By making the most of opportunities and contacts during this period, the individual could rise in whatever station of life he may be situated, and should reach a position of authority and responsibility. The purchases of automobiles or other vehicles of transportation are likely to be made during this period.
This is a period for making best use of his social contacts, communication skills, and exchange of ideas. If sufficiently educated, the person may write articles, books, or give lectures. He may come in contact with publishers or writers or be instrumental in signing contracts. Generally, this period will be marked by literary and educational activities.
If the Moon is in Cancer at birth, the main period of the Moon will be marked by a tendency toward domesticity. The individual will live in a place which is either very rocky or is surrounded by mountains, or high ground and trees. He will have domestic animals around him according to his means and he will spend more money on animals than he will at any other time in his life. There is some danger during this period of contracting a secret disease and every care should be taken to avoid contagion.
Not a good period for the health of the individual. Sickness is likely to be a serious handicap to general welfare and must be avoided by extra care and precaution if possible, since otherwise this period presents opportunities for progress, especially financially, Business affairs will prosper and promotion in position, increase in trade, or success in a professional career will be found to come easily and with little effort. The individual will receive the respect and admiration of his associates.
If the individual is not yet married, he is very likely to marry during this period. If he is already married, he will be unfaithful to his marriage partner, and be in serious danger of separation from her. His spirits are high during this period, and he chafes at the bonds of domesticity. He will be rather fortunate at this period if his affairs take him to foreign countries, but although he will make money, he is likely not to save it.
He lives in hopes during this period, seeming not to be able to complete anything, or to be continually frustrated in everything he undertakes. Association with the opposite sex may take on the colour of intrigue and unless he is particularly cautious will lead to open scandal. He is liable to find himself the victim of some racket, which uses a woman as a decoy, and may have to pay blackmail in the form of coin or services which are unworthy. Keep to the straight and narrow path is the best advice to those living in this period.
A particularly unfortunate period, during which the cards seem, stacked against the person with Moon in Scorpio at birth. He will be far from happy during this period. He will be discontented, continually worried over finances, and may become very bitter and disgruntled with the world and the people in it. He will become estranged from his relatives and may be separated entirely from his family. He may experience poverty at certain times during this period. Unless he is particularly careful of his diet for some years prior to the beginning of this period, a functional disorder of the stomach may assert itself at this time, and it may become so aggravated that an operation will be found necessary.
During this period the individual must not expect to benefit from the voluntary deeds of others. His friends will not help him financially, not because they do not wish to, but rather because they are unable to do so. Expected legacies or bequests from family or relatives will not materialize, in fact may be lost entirely. Moreover, this is a period of vitality and through his determined efforts the individual can and usually will attract for self the good things of life. If he makes a concerted effort, his finances will be considerably improved.
A period of growth and productivity, with an overall improvement in all walks of life. If up to this time the individual has no children, he will have an addition to the family of one or more children, either of his own or through adoption. He will add to his wealth. He will purchase real estate and generally accumulate possessions, become a man of substance in relation to his community and environment.
This is a period of reckless expenditure. The individual is prone to spend much more than he earns and will have great difficulty in paying his debts. A close curb should be kept on these tendencies and a person entering this period should carefully budget his expenses and live within his income. The urge towards hard reckless living and towards dissipation of his resources, not only his money but his health as well, is strong and can only be held in check by an application of will power.
From a health standpoint, this period may be almost tragic. The individual will be a source of worry and anxiety to his family at that time. Many individuals with Moon in Pisces at birth, during the Moon period, contract spinal meningitis or infantile paralysis, and unless great care is taken, there is difficulty in recovering. The chances of contracting this disease and of recovery from it, will depend in large measure, on the aspects which other planets make to the Moon. They may either aggravate or modify what seems to be inherent in the conditions which confront the individual during this period.
Note: The conditions given for each of the planetary main periods are general conditions, prevalent throughout the duration of the period, but that since each period is divided into sub-periods or Sub-period dasa, there will be an ebb and flow to these conditions or a direct contradiction with them for certain shorter intervals during the main period.
These modifications or contradictions will depend for their quality and intensity upon the relationship which exists in the birth chart, between the Planet whose main period is under consideration and the Planet which affects the sub-period.
E.g. for instance, Moon and Mars were in bad aspect (say 6th or 8th aspect) at birth, the Moon being afflicted by Mars, then even though on the whole the Main Period of the Moon was a fortunate one, yet for the duration of the Mars sub-period (which is seven months out of the 10 years of the Moon period in the Vimsottari divisions, there would be present some very adverse conditions, which might seem to contradict or at least seriously modify the fortunate influences of the Main Period. The reverse would of course, be true if the sub-period under consideration were that of a Planet in good aspect to the Planet of the Main Period.
Dr. Shanker Adawal — Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Dasa Systems