Даша (период) Солнца: результаты
«Брихат-Парашара-Хора-Шастра» — Глава 49. Результаты Даш
Результаты в течение махадаши Сурйи [Солнца]
49:7-11. Если во время рождения Сурйа расположен в Мулатриконе или собственном знаке или раши экзальтации и занимает Кендру, Трикону или 11-ю бхаву и соединён с правителями 9-й или 10-й бхав и также он сильный и находится в собственных Варгах [в дробных картах], то в течение Даши Сурйи рождённый получает много удобств (комфорта) и счастья. Эта Даша также благоприятна для увеличения богатства и дохода. Эта Даша представляет время, в которое царь (правительство, власти, наниматель) даёт рождённому высокий статус (должность), он приобретает транспортное средство и так далее. Если Сурйа соединён с правителем 5-й бхавы, то будет рождение сына; с 11-м правителем — приобретение слона (дорогостоящего транспортного средства); с 4-м правителем — приобретение трёх транспортных средств, богатства, должности министра с благословением царя (властей) и так далее. В Даше сильного Сурйи рождённый получает власть (полномочия), транспортные средства и так далее.
Комментарии: В системе Вимшоттари-Даша махадаша Сурйи [Солнца] длится шесть лет. В начале махадаши Сурйи рождённый получает результаты, подобные по значениям Сурйе — Солнцу. Природа Сурйи зависит от того, в каком знаке он находится. Кроме того, бхава [дом], занятая Сурйей [Солнцем], также имеет большое значение и указывает на значение событий.
Сурйа [Солнце] — это средство передачи энергии, и оно излучает интенсивную энергию жизни. Уверенность, чистота ума, гордость, физическая энергия, высокие достижения и так далее — это врождённые качества Сурйи. Следовательно, рождённый наблюдает следующие результаты в течение действия махадаши Сурйи [Солнца]:
1) Разочарования заканчиваются, приходит уверенность и чистота мыслей.
2) Рождённый становится энергичным и экзальтированным (возвышенным).
3) Человек может и не хотеть влиять на других людей, но они непроизвольно попадают под влияние и впечатление.
4) У рождённого появляются царские взгляды, он получает покровительство или одобрение царя (властей) в том или ином виде.
5) В течение махадаши Сурйи человек будет любить заниматься заданиями (командировками), работой (заказами), рискованными предприятиями (начинаниями) и тому подобное.
6) Рождённый получает крепкое здоровье.
В других астрологических работах, написанных великими мудрецами и учёными-астрологами, говорится о подобных результатах махадаши Сурйи, как в Брихат-Парашара-Хора-Шастре. Калидаса в «Уттара-Каламрите» отмечает следующее: «Если Сурйа благоприятен рождённому, то Сурйа даст детей, интеллект, мудрость, высокий статус и власть, знания, богатство, славу, мужество, счастье и божественное покровительство в своей даше».
Перевод «Пхала-Диипики» в этом вопросе следующий: «Если Сурйа благоприятен, то рождённый будет накапливать богатство с помощью своего мастерства, посредством путешествий, благодаря королям и в борьбе (спорах). Рождённый странствует в джунглях и по горам, добивается славы и станет трудолюбивым, рождённый развивает точность в своём характере и достигает успеха в работе, получает удобства (комфорт) и тому подобное».
Учёный Калйана-Варма в своей книге «Саравали» пишет о следующих результатах махадаши Сурйи [Солнца]: «В благоприятной махадаше Сурйи рождённый получит доход от новых лекарств, развития дорог (магистралей), поставок химикатов, леса, злой дружбы, охоты, кожи, огненных дел, жестокости и сражений короля и тому подобное, кроме того, рождённый достигнет увеличения богатства и благодарности от короля, терпения, постоянных усилий, мужества, авторитета, роста славы, великолепия и королевского комфорта.»

Неблагоприятные результаты Махадаши Сурйи (Солнца)
49:12-15. Если Сурйа слабый из-за его положения в 6-й, 8-й или 12-й бхаве, в раши дебилитации, в соединении с пагубными грахами, Раху или Кету или с правителями 6-й, 8-й или 12-й бхав, то во время действия Даши будут значительные бедствия, потеря богатства и славы, проживание в зарубежной стране, наказание от правителя (правительства, властей), денежный кризис, боль из-за болезни, позор (потеря репутации), противоречия с братьями и друзьями, опасность смерти отца и другие неблагоприятные результаты. В течение Даши будут психические страдания родителей, а рождённый столкнётся с необоснованным гневом общественности. Если слабый Сурйа получает аспект или соединение благотворных грах, то рождённый время от времени получает счастливые события, но если есть только пагубное влияние, то опытные астрологи должны всегда предсказывать неблагоприятные результаты.
Комментарии: Согласно мнению Мудреца, будут неблагоприятные результаты в течение Даши любой планеты, когда, в основном, следующие её расположения существуют в карте:
1) Граха занимает знак падения.
2) Граха расположена в 6-й, 8-й или 12-й дустхане.
3) Граха слабая в карте рождения.
4) Граха в соединении с Раху или Кету или с правителями 6-й, 8-й или 12-й бхав [домов].
Дебилитированный Сурйа [Солнце] даёт внезапные события, например, перелом костей, неожиданную лихорадку; во время Даши рождённый теряет уверенность. Если Сурйа не в дебилитации, но очень плохо расположен, то в Даше Сурйи человек смело встречает плохой период и прилагает все усилия, чтобы преодолеть его. В случае, если Сурйа — это правитель 6-го, 8-го или 12-го домов и также расположен в одной из этих бхав, тогда неблагоприятные результаты не будут проявлены, потому что тогда Сурйа должен дать результаты Випарита-Раджа-Йоги. В этом случае, чем больше пагубных влияний на Сурйу, тем больше Сурйа становится благосклонным (полезным) для рождённого.

Если Солнце сильно: возможна жизнь за границей, благословение властей, возрастание духовности, возрастание авторитета. Если Солнце обладает средней силой – тот же результат, но в меньшей степени. Если Солнце слабо или поражено пагубными планетами – много расходов, болезни зубов, глаз, разрыв семейных отношений, опасность от властей, от огня, ссоры с родственниками.
Солнце в Овне: рост духовности, добродетели, благости, богатства, семейное счастье, благо от отца, хор здоровье, решимость.
Солнце в Тельце: болезни супруги и детей, потери из-за транспорта и сельского хозяйства, болезни глаз, рта.
Солнце в Близнецах: писательский успех, интерес к истории древности, рост благосостояния, собственности, счастья.
Солнце в Раке: рост известности, благосклонность властей, семейные проблемы и проблемы с друзьями, возрастание раздражительности.
Солнце во Льве: рост богатства, авторитета, известности, расширение владений.
Солнце в Деве: рождение дочери, возрастание духовности, интеллекта, развитие скромности и смирения.
Солнце в Весах: семейные проблемы, опасность от воров, обманщиков и огня, возможны поездки заграницу, понижение в должности, болезни мочеполовой и пищеварительной систем.
Солнце в Скорпионе: душевный подъем, рост энтузиазма, возрастание уважения к родителям, возможны отравления, опасность от огня, электричества и оружия.
Солнце в Стрельце: Семейное счастье, богатство, благосклонность властей, наслаждение музыкой и философией.
Солнце в Козероге: снижение семейного счастья, финансовые трудности, возрастание страхов и беспокойств. Возрастание дисциплины, серьезности, строгости.
Солнце в Водолее: возможны болезни сердца, беспокойства в связи с детьми и супругой, финансовые потери, сложности в отношениях с другими, опасность от врагов.
Солнце в Рыбах: фин. рост и увеличение комфорта благодаря супруге, возрастание славы, бесплодные путешествия, неприятности или болезни у детей и близких, возрастание духовности.
Если Солнце экзальтированно в 8-м доме, его период даст несчастья. Если Солнце в 6-м то болезни и проблемы в жизни родителей.
Подпериоды планет будут давать сходные плоды, но нужно учитывать положение хозяина подпериода относительно хозяина периода в натальной карте и их природную дружбу-вражду.
Даша (период) Солнца | Даша (период) Меркурия | Даша (период) Сатурна |
Даша (период) Луны | Даша (период) Юпитера | Даша (период) Раху |
Даша (период) Марса | Даша (период) Венеры | Даша (период) Кету |
SUN DASA — Dr. Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Dasa Systems
Effects of the Major Period of Sun:
During the progress of the Dasa of the Sun, the general effects to be noted are; accumulation of wealth through wickedness, Kings and battles. There may be trouble from fire, beasts; eyesore, dental and abdominal troubles, serious condition of wife or children, separation from elders and preceptor, loss of servants and property.
Sun’s period-with reference to their natural governance over certain affairs-
If the Sun be strong benefic and well placed in the horoscope, during his Major period, Sub-period and Sub-sub periods, he will bring about birth of children, give power and position, fame, favours from elders, superiors and people in power and authority. There will be success in undertakings, and prosperity to father. The health of the native will improve and the surroundings will be favourably vibrating for him.
If the Sun be weak, malefic and badly placed in the horoscope, during his periods he will cause ill health, diseases like bilious excitement, burning sensation of the body, epilepsy, heart diseases, eye trouble, skin diseases, leucorrhoea, etc., loss of wealth, Bad reputation, criminal prosecution, imprisonment, danger to father and quarrels in the family. The native may take to tedious journeys (if the Sun is in a movable sign) and suffer great mental anguish.
At the time of birth of a native:-
When the Sun is posited in the Moolatrikona, own or exalted sign and occupies Angles (Kendra’s), Trines (Trikona) or 11th house and conjunct with the lords of 9th or 10th house and also powerful and in his own Vargas (Divisions)
In the Period of the Sun, the native acquires lots of comforts and happiness. This Period is also favourable for the gain of wealth and profit earning activities. This is the time during which high status (position) is conferred by the King (Government/authorities/ employer), and acquisition of conveyance etc.
If the Sun is conjunct —
with the lord of the 5th house-birth of son;
with 11th lord-comforts of elephant (costly vehicles);
with 4th lord-gain of the vehicles, wealth, minister-ship with the blessing of the king (authorities) etc. are attained.
In the Period of the strong Sun-the native acquires power (authority), conveyance etc.
Inauspicious Effects of the Sun’s Major period :
1. If the Sun is weak by his position in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house, sign of debilitation, conjunct with the malefic, Rahu or Ketu or with the lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house —
In the process of this Period, intense miseries, loss of wealth and fame, living in foreign land, punishment by the Sovereign (Government/authorities), money crunch, pains of illness, defame, confrontation with brothers and friends, fear of father’s death, and other kind of unfavourable Effects are felt.
In this duration, mental agony of the parents and native also encounters unjustified wrath of public.
2. If weak Sun has aspect or company of the benefic planets-
native at times, gets happy events but if there is only malefic influence, the learned shall always predict unfavourable Effects.
3. Other Authors:-
«In the Sun’s Period, if the Sun be auspicious to the native, it will give children, intelligence, Wisdom, high status and power, knowledge, wealth, fame, valour, happiness and divine favour in its Period».
Saravali records;- The effects of Sun’s Major period as-
«In the auspicious Major period of the Sun, the native will profit from new medicines, development of roads (routes), chemicals supplies, forest, evil friendship, hunting, skin, fiery things, king’s atrocities and battles, etc., besides, gain of wealth and commendation from the king,
patience, persistent efforts, valour, prestige, elevation of fame, brilliance and kingly comforts are achieved.
The under mentioned are the effects of major periods of Sun with reference to the various combinations or occupation of signs by Sun:-
1. Sun endowed with Sthanabala (positional strength)
Agricultural wealth, increase in quadrupeds, land, conveyance, Comfort, honour from highly placed persons; gain of other people’s wealth, Lustre, gain of bedroom furniture and ornaments; doing pilgrimage trips with relatives.
Another opinion:-
gains from cultivation, cows (milk animals), lands, conveyances, clothes, happiness, and respect of authority, wealth from others, attractiveness of body or appearance, doing good to all persons, high reputation, ornaments, engagements with relations and friends, and meritorious work, and pilgrimages to holy places.
2. Sun devoid of Sthanabala (positional strength).
Changes in environments, loss of health and wealth on a moderate scale;
weakness, loss of money, foreign travel, hatred of relations, sorrow and foreign residence
3. Sun with directional strength. (Digbala)
Gain of wealth from many directions, comforts and Land,
Note: In own sub-period of such Sun’s Major Periods, there will, be agricultural gains , success in Undertakings, honour and respect from highly placed persons.
The native will earn money, reputation and respect from many directions and will enjoy them with happiness, power, ornaments and lands.
4. Sun devoid of directional strength (Digbala)
The native will NOT enjoy robust health during Sun major Periods, nor any of the other benefits.
If Sun has no Digbala then the results will be negative.
5. Sun with Kalabala (Temporal strength) success in lands, cultivation, money power, respect among rulers.
6. Sun without Kalabala (Temporal strength)
When Sun has no Kalabala, the results will be nullified.
7. Sun with Natural strength (Nisargikabala).
Comforts of conveyance, and increase of clothing and ornaments.
He will get all sorts of pleasures and enjoinments unsolicited and without any efforts, wealth, ornaments, lands, articles of comfort, and clothes.
8. Sun devoid of Natural strength (Nisargikabala).
Fear from highly placed persons, fire and theft.
But when Sun has no Nisargikabala he will lose them (good effects).
9. Sun with Motional strength. (Chestabala).
Comfortable journey to holy places; honour from highly placed persons, enjoyments as house holder.
Gets self acquired wealth and reputation, great happiness and respect from Kings, wife, children, cultivation conveyances, and gems.
10. Sun devoid of Motional strength (Chestabala).
Moderate effect of Major Period, plus agricultural gains, clothing and conveyance.
When he does not possess Chestabala, he will suffer losses from the various sources.
11. Conjunction with, a Planet possessing strength.
All round happiness.
12. Conjunction with a weak Planet.
All-round unsatisfactory state of affairs.
13. Conjunction with an exalted Planet.
Bath in holy rivers or pilgrimages, mental happiness and contentment; interest in Engineering studies or acquire Engineering knowledge; belief in God.
14. Conjunction with a debilitated Planet.
Sufferings to wife and children; loss of position or status, bodily ailments and fear from government or superiors.
15. Conjunction with a Benefic Planet.
Gain of property; wealth clothing; respect in family circle; marriage; enjoying witty talk.
16. Conjunction with a Malefic Planet.
Mental worry almost every day; loss of discriminating power; being compelled to have inferior or ill cooked food; even the decency of native’s dress will be affected; sufferings to father and wife, fear from fire and theft.
17. Sun in KROORA (Malefic) Sastiamsa.
Loss of position, fear from king and superiors, fear of theft, excess of anger or hot temper, diseases of head and eyes, loss of parents.
Sun in Mridwamsa/ Sastiamsa
Sweet food and drinks; ornaments, Two names-the native may be the recipient of a additional name during this Major Period, indicating status and fame); honour from superiors, knowledge of Shastras.
Sun in Paravat amsa
Fame, wealth, travels through various lands; birth of son and a host of benefic results.
Sun in Bhujaamsa
Various troubles including imprisonment, if indication for such suffering is otherwise indicated in the native’s Birth chart, Also sufferings from poison.
Sun in Deep Exaltation
When the Sun is in deep exaltation (10 deg of Aries), he gives money wife, children, lands, courage, reputation, political power, good and agreeable company, respect from rulers, travelling and success.
Note: The Sun is in deep exaltation when he occupies the 10th degree in Aries. In other degrees there he will be in exaltation. Even here there is some difference. From the 1st degree to the 9th he will be ascending and good, from the 11th to the 30th degrees he will be descending, and will gradually lose his power for good.
Sun in Exaltation
In the period of Sun in exaltation (in Aries sign) the person will have, increase in cattle and wealth, and grains, travelling, quarrels among relations and consequent travelling and residence in foreign countries, excessive adultery among dancing women, money from rulers, music and sense pleasures, enjoyment from carriages, horses, drums and other paraphernalia, and mutual enmity.
In the ascendant Sun Major Period- gives respect, happiness, charitable, wife, children and lands, horses, cows, elephants, cultivation.
In the descending Major Period of Sun- he will have loss in houses, money cultivation, and objects of love and taste, worry from fires and thieves, quarrels, anger of the Kings, travels to foreign countries.
Note: The Sun is in deep exaltation in the 10 degree of Aries and deep debilitation is the 10th degree of Libra. From the highest exaltation he will be descending till he has the greatest fall in Libra, and he will be ascending from the 11th degree of Libra to the 10th degree of Aries. In the intervals of these falls and ascents, his results will have to be gauged by the rule of three.
When the Sun is in debilitation, he gives displeasure of Kings-authority and loss of reputation and money from such sources, loss of near relations and sorrow from wife, children, friends, disgrace and misery.
When the Sun is in greatest fall, he will give death and dangers, loss of houses, travel to foreign countries, death of parents, and loss to wife, issues, cattle, lands, and house property.
In the Major Period of Sun in Moolatrikona happiness from lands, wife, children, relations, respect and attraction from Kings, gains in cows, money, lands and conveyances and political success and acquisition of power.
In the Major Period of Sun in his own house — he gives happiness from relations, cultivation, money, reputation, respect by higher education, and political respect, gains from lands, improvement in learning.
In the Major Period of Sun in a very unfriendly house — loss of children, wife and wealth, troubles from children, cows and friends, misunderstandings among members of his own community.
Sun Major Period in an unfriendly house gives sorrow, loss of children, wife, and money, dangers from rulers, fires, thieves, litigation, and quarrels with wife.
Major Period of Sun in a friendly house- respect by own community, children, servants, friends, rulers, residence in his own house, friendly relations with his own people, and gains in carriages, lands, ornaments, and clothing.
Major Period of Sun in an intimate friend’s house- great happiness, mental pleasure, enjoyment with wife, children and money, tanks and wells, conveyances, clothes, ornaments.
Major Period of Sun in a neutral’s house- indifference among people, good crops, lands, gains, cows, horses, clothes, female issues and pleasure through them, and worries from debts.
Major Period of Sun in Debilitation- doing mean and despicable work and suffering from decease in the nails, mean temper, worries and troubles from families, children, grains, cultivation merchandise; and degradation.
The Major Period of Sun in conjunction with an exalted planet-great pleasure from gains, visits to holy and sacred shrines and rivers, worship of Vishnu, building compounds, tanks and wells, discussions with holy literat, and virtuous acquisitions.
The Major Period of Sun in conjunction with a malefic- sorrows and miseries from performing objectionable deeds, dirty and poor meals, rags and worthless clothing, earning livelihood by mean acts and emaciation from want of good food.
The Major Period of Sun in combination with a benefic- gains from lands, money, clothing, enjoyment with friends, agreement with relations, marriages and other festivities and pleasant conversation from such sources.
The Major Period of Sun aspected by malefic- great sorrow, danger to father and mother, troubles to children and wife, emaciation from the losses caused by fires, thieves, and fines and penalties by authority.
Major Period of Sun aspected by benefic- reputation from great learning, pleasant conversations with children, wife and other females, comeliness, courage sexual happiness, happiness to parents, and respect and recognitions from rulers.
Major Period of Sun in a Kendra- misery resulting from happiness going out of native country, separation from relations, disturbances, to cultivation and fickleness or derangement of mind.
Major Period of Sun in a Trine- instability or insanity of mind, disgrace from ruler, unhappiness, death of father, neglect towards good and virtuous deeds.
Major Period of Sun in an exalted Navamsa- increase, acquisition of wealth by courageous and warlike deeds, enjoyment from various sources, sexual happiness, gains in females and clothing, and constant losses among paternal relations.
Major Period of Sun in a debilitated Navamsa- travels resulting in losses to wife, children, money and lands, neglected by people and rejected by relations, mental troubles, and sufferings from fevers, and venereal complaints.
In the commencement of Sun, Major Period- sorrow, sickness to father, consumption and mental worry. In the middle loss of cattle, and in the end status and respect through education.
Note: The results in planetary periods will be determined by taking into account all items that are relevant to the planets significations, their characteristics, means of livelihood ascribed to them, their combinations, aspects, lordships, and other particulars, which must be well studied.
The Major Period of Sun when powerfully aspected by planets-unexpected and large gains, all sorts of happiness. When not powerfully aspected, these will not flourish.
The Major Period of Sun in Junction in cruel Sastiamsa- expelled from country, fear and trouble from anger of rulers, irritable and peevish, head-ache or giddiness, danger and death to father .and his side relations.
The Major Period of Sun occupying Paravat amsa etc.- good intelligence, reputation, much wealth, royal favours, good wife, issues, friends, and relations.
Note: The results of exaltation etc.- will come first, then comes the results of places, third the results of aspects, similarly for evil planets
In the Major Period of Sun occupying swrpa or pasha Drekkana etc.- fear from serpents, poisons, fires, tanks, wells, and also many sources of sorrow and misery.
In the Major Period of Sun in exaltation, but occupying debilitated Navamsa- death of wife, death and danger to his near relations, troubles to children and dangers, so say the learned in Astrology.
If Sun occupies a debilitated Rasi and an exalted Navamsa-
much happiness, and achievement of political power, in the commencement and loss of power and emaciation in the end.
The Sun in Various Houses — Effects
Planets in addition to their ownership Effects, produce certain Effects pertaining to the houses they occupy at the time of birth
Sun in 1st house. The SUN, if he occupies the first house at the time of birth, during his periods, will produce a tendency of easy going in life, cruel nature defective sight or eye disease, and boastfulness. The native will be impetuous and impatient.
2nd house. Loss of money, immoral tendencies, indulgence in undesirable and mean talk, much expenditure, rash nature, etc.
The Major Period of Sun combining in the second house- sorrow and danger from begetting children, from relations misery, harsh words and quarrels, revenge and loss of wife, and wealth, fear from rulers, loss of issues, lands, clothes and conveyances.
Note: If Sun is in combination with a benefic, the evil results should not be predicted.
3rd house. Acts of bravery, success over enemies, gain of wealth, increased fame, good health, Bad health to brothers, and liberal tendencies. The Major Period of Sun in the 3rd — great happiness and courage, respect of rulers, money gains, hatred of brothers and danger.
4th house. Mental worries, blood pressure or affections of the heart, chest pain, quarrels with relatives and friends, loss of property and cruel tendencies.
The Major Period of Sun in the 4th house- danger to body, issues, wife, friends, lands, houses, forsaking his own country, losses in carriages and horses, and fear from thieves, poison, fires and weapons.
5th house. Journeys to distant places, Bad or forest regions, ill health to children, disturbed mind, sorrows and intestinal disorders.
6th house. Success over enemies, gain of money, health, fame, virtuous acts, courage, self-esteem, and success in undertakings.
The Major Period of Sun in the 6th house- money losses, great sorrows, diseases like colic pain, and ulcers, and diabetics, difficulties in passing urine, and various venereal complaints.
7th house. Immoral tendencies, wickedness of wife, venereal or urinary diseases, eye trouble, quarrels and disputes, base acts, tedious journeys, displeasure of superiors, and humiliation.
The Major Period of Sun in the 7th house- death or disease to wife, dirty and untimely meals, not properly cooked, and wanting in milk, curds, ghee and other palatable accessories.
8th house. Loss of wealth, evil associations, Bad health, death, death of wife, immoral connections and loss thereby, litigations and disputes, discontent, poverty and unhappiness.
The Major Period of Sun in the 8th — great bodily unhappiness or pains, poverty, intermittent fevers, disease in the eyes, fever and diarrhoea, and travel to foreign places,
9th house. Disagreement with father, increased fame, respect from superiors, happiness, materialistic tendencies.
10th house. Gain of wealth, promotion or success in business, respect, fame, virtuous acts, and birth of a son, vehicles, and comforts.
The Major Period of Sun in the 10th house- acquisition of political power, wealth, friendship of princes, courage, success in undertakings, high reputation, success in all discussions, recognition of merits by rulers.
11th house. The native accumulates wealth, gains fame, position of command, general prosperity, happy domestic life, birth of good children.
The Major Period of Sun in the 11th house- acquisition of wealth, good and virtuous deeds, gain of power, happiness from wife, children, conveyances, ornaments, clothes, and physical enjoyments.
12th house. Gives disputes with father, eye disease, loss of wealth, Bad health to children, unfortunate father, wandering or tedious journeys, financial strain, loss of energy and vitality.
The Major Period of Sun in the 12th house- sorrow, loss of money, children, females, lands, parents, sin, travelling from place to place, fears and dangers from poisons, rulers, disease in the feet, quarrels from learning, conversation, friendship enjoyment, and company, and losses to horses.
Duration of Period-6 years.
The conditions with which an individual will be surrounded during the Sun Period of his life will vary with the Zodiacal Sign in which the Sun is located at birth, Thus:-
He may not be particularly religious at any previous time of life, but during the Sun Period he will turn towards religion and take up some religious activity. During this period also, either by inheritance or by gift, he will receive from his father, money, real estate, houses or some permanent and substantial bequest. It will be a period of contentment and happiness in domestic life and affairs.
The Sun Period will be a time of loss; loss of money, property, possessions; loss of wife and children; loss of position and standing in the community. During this period also, he will be rather run down in health and particularly will suffer from some heart disease or functional disorder of the heart.
During the Sun Period he will take to reading intensively, particularly poetical and mystical books. He will study mysticism and be interested in occult subjects. He will have many discussions about these matters. He will take up farming, may purchase a farm and will cultivate produce, which he will use for his own requirements, but not for trade or as a business.
The Sun Period will be marked by jealousy and possibly some enmity on the part of people whom he considers to be his friends. This will be caused by his promotion to a position of authority and responsibility, possibly over the heads of friends and associates or in competition with them. He is apt during this period, to become somewhat more nervous and excitable than usual and should strive to overcome this tendency and to remain calm in all situations. If a man, he will have much contact with women at this time, at home, in a social way and in business. If a woman, she may marry during this period or have an affair.
This is a period of desire for quiet and solitude. An urge to live in the country rathet than in the city, will be manifest, a longing for remote places. If the individual purchases a farm or takes up farming as a means of livelihood or as a business during the Sun Period, he will be very successful in this pursuit.
The Sun period will be one of contentment and happiness, especially in domestic life. The individual will enjoy his home and its surroundings. He will make contact with neighbours and friends, and particularly with older people who will like and respect him and be of assistance to him. He will be surrounded by pets and domestic animals.
The reverse of the Virgo Sun is experienced during the Sun Period of those people who had their Sun in Libra at birth. It is a period of loss:- loss of position, loss of wealth, and this loss is experienced through the deceit, and envy of so-called friends. Friends, instead of being helpful and beneficial during this period, will undermine and try to destroy his image. There is also danger from some injury or accident, particularly from burns.
Not a good period. There will be separation from the parents to whom the individual is greatly attached. He will grieve on account of this, because the separation will be permanent and may be caused by death. Also, he must be extremely careful of infection during this period, particularly from that which comes from wounds inflicted by sharp instruments. There is more danger from poisoning and from fire during this period than at any other time during life.
Financially especially, this is a very good period. All financial ventures seem to prosper, money is made either by investment or by increase in earnings. Position is improved-promotion is received. Responsibility and authority are also increased. The individual will be comfortable and well-off and will take pleasure in musical and cultural development. Will attend the opera and concerts and his tastes in this direction will improve and expand. This period is of quiet and dignified pleasure and happiness.
Everything seems to go wrong during this period. Activity will be restricted, possibly enforced idleness will be encountered. Loss of position and money is likely. He may even experience poverty and lack of proper food and the necessities of life. Added to these physical restrictions, his mind is anxious and worried and he is most unhappy and miserable, particularly as he is almost wholly dependent on others during these years.
A time of quarrels and disputes, litigation and argument during which, unless helped by other conditions, the individual will seldom be victorious. His enemies will take this opportunity to embarrass him and it would be better if any issues at stake could be postponed rather than joined. Even in his domestic relationships there will be disagreements and misunderstandings, some-times actual opposition and antagonism. As if these conditions were not sufficient, he also will suffer from some heat complaint which will be aggravated by outbursts of temper and the general tension of mind and body produced by the continual bickering which marks this period.
The health will be the chief concern of this individual during the Sun period of his life. He will suffer from a general rundown condition due to principally to gastric disorders. These may become as acute as to require a stomach operation or treatment for ulcers. Diet and health should be watched carefully before this period starts and some effort made several years previous to improve and tone the system. Otherwise, «As ye sow, thus shall ye reap?»